Oculoplasty in the spotlight
This is how some of our specialists at Miranza clinics assess the current state of oculoplasty and oculofacial aesthetics and its new trends, recently addressed at the Barcelona Oculoplastics (BOC), a benchmark congress in this field.
Dr Marco Sales, a specialist in oculoplasty at IMO Grupo Miranza, highlights the rise of periocular cosmetic surgery and the importance of its functional aspect, along with the merely aesthetic, hence achieving “an improvement in the breadth and clarity of patients’ vision.”
The rise of blepharoplasty
Likewise, in his opinion, the pandemic and the use of the mask have made us highly aware of the fact that the gaze is what allows us to convey our mood, as it is “the mirror of the soul in social relations.”
However, for an ophthalmologist, there is another crucial factor in the rise of interest in periocular and facial aesthetics, and that is the role played by social media, “where we are constantly selling our image, with the added bonus that we do so with the help of filters. This makes us want to correct our defects, even surgically, with techniques that currently entail minimal risk.”

All the above has led to a rise of blepharoplasty surgery. However, we must not forget that putting yourself in expert hands is the best way to get good results, both aesthetically and functionally, while minimising risks to our eye health.
Laser blepharoplasty: New parameters to improve results
For her part, Dr Concha Romero, an oculoplasty specialist at Miranza IOA, highlights the emergence of laser technology, such as the CO2 laser, which makes it possible to improve blepharoplasty. Her colleague from IMO Grupo Miranza, Dr Maite Iradier, highlights the importance of rejuvenation techniques with this laser, as well as with Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) technology, treatments that are highly demanded by patients, especially due to the use of the mask. “We are offering it more and more and with very good results,” he concludes.

This has been one of the topics addressed at the BOC by great experts, “who have offered us new parameters and ways of use to improve our results,” explains Dr Romero, for whom “technology as good as that of the AcuPulse makes operating a pleasure.”
Pearls on oculoplasty to remember forgotten details
Dr Ana Camacho, a medical director at Miranza Algeciras, who also attended the congress, highlights that “live surgery like the one we have seen at Barcelona Oculoplastics is always very didactic, with pearls of great professionals who help us remember things that may be a little forgotten. Furthermore, according to Marco Sales, this connection with the operating rooms allows attendees “to see almost with a surgeon’s vision, with maximum detail.”

BOC: The best of two worlds
Dr Romero also agrees on the value of live surgery, “which is offered at very few congresses, because it is risky and brave, but it is what you learn the most from.” According to the specialist, the BOC never disappoints you and “brings together the best of two worlds: surgical and aesthetic treatments in the consulting room, which are a good supplement for any plastic surgeon.”