
Innovation research and development is a priority at Miranza. We have a multi-centric group that, coordinated by doctors Rafael Navarro and Esther Pomares and with Laura González as project managers, designs strategies and preferential lines of research to perform clinical and basic studies enabling us to lead the way in ophthalmology.

The drive of the innovative activity and extensive research experience of some of our centres, such as IMO Grupo Miranza, Vissum Grupo Miranza, Miranza IOA, Miranza Begitek and Miranza Instituto Gómez-Ulla, mean that we currently have almost one hundred studies underway, some by the Group’s molecular biology lab located at the Barcelona headquarters of IMO Grupo Miranza.

The Miranza research team includes the collaboration of a large number of ophthalmologists, optometrists and geneticists involved in current and future studies, with whom we hope to move forwards in the treatment of many eye diseases and even develop new therapies for certain eye diseases that are currently incurable.

R&D+i projects
in progress
research projects
European projects

Highlighted studies