Always by your side
At Miranza, we want to make the best ophthalmology available to as many people as possible. Thus, we offer a teleconsultation service that complements our face-to-face care at our centres.
Get a second opinion easily and reliably
These are the Miranza clinics that provide this service

Request your teleconsultation
Do you need more help?

A Miranza expert will assess your case and accompany you through the eye process that concerns you in an online, safe and private environment.

The visit will consist of a personal interview, during which you will be able to explain your eye problem, symptoms or pathology, which is the reason for the consultation.

Case history: Our specialist will review with you your history, illnesses and other personal circumstances that may influence your eye problem.

Assessment of reports and imaging tests available to you: The ophthalmologist will analyse and give you medical guidance on how to interpret these reports and tests, if available. In this case, you should send them in beforehand, when requesting the teleconsultation.

Diagnostic approach: Your specialist will offer you diagnostic advice and recommendations for the monitoring or treatment of your eye problem.

A written report of the conclusions and recommendations of the teleconsultation, which we will send you within a few days of your teleconsultation.

Prescription: We will send it to you, in case the specialist prescribes any treatment.

Invoice: You will receive an invoice for the teleconsultation, the amount of which will be deducted from the cost of the face-to-face visit, if you come to the centre within a period of no more than one month.

If you wish or do not have recent reports or tests, we will come to your home or workplace to perform a basic check-up that will provide the ophthalmologist with information of interest, when carrying out a more precise diagnostic approach (prescription control, intraocular pressure measurement, fundus …).
* You may request it by filling in the teleconsultation request form, which appears at the bottom of the page. Service currently only available in the province of Madrid.

Elderly people or people with mobility problems.

People with little time available to travel to the centre and spend time being attended to in person.

People who live abroad or far from the Miranza centres and wish to benefit from the experience and renown of our professionals.

Patients seeking a second opinion.

Chronic patients who require regular monitoring and wish to have some of these checks carried out remotely, thus avoiding travel and enjoying greater comfort.

People with non-serious eye discomfort or processes, but which interfere with their well-being and quality of life and which can be resolved remotely.
- By filling in the web form or by making a phone call to schedule a teleconsultation; you may choose from a wide range of specialists.
- In both cases, the teleconsultation will be paid for at the time of submitting the request by credit card or wire transfer.
- By providing recent reports and imaging tests, if available. You can do so electronically through the teleconsultation request form (you will have to attach colour, high-quality PDF files to be able to assess them correctly) or by sending them to the centre by courier or post.
- Express authorisation of the teleconsultation by means of an informed consent and privacy policy that you will have to accept at the time of requesting the teleconsultation.
- Photocopy of National ID, Foreigners’ ID or passport.
- In the case of patients under 18, they must be accompanied by an adult, who must provide a document that accredits them as the minor’s legal guardian.
Once you have requested and scheduled your teleconsultation, we will contact you on the agreed day and time via the following:
- Videoconference through your computer or mobile device (video consultation). Previously, you will have received a link to access it.
- Phone call (voice only or using a video call option), if you prefer.
Where we are?
In 25 clinics and up
Barcelona, Madrid, Alicante, Tenerife, Seville…