Miguel Ruiz Miguel
Specialist at Miranza Begitek
Specialist ophthalmologist in medical and surgical retina and cataracts.
Specialist in vitreous and retina surgery, he focuses his work on all types of vitreoretinal procedures, such as retinal detachment, macula surgery, surgery for dislocated lenses and complicated cataracts, as well as diabetic retinopathy. He performs more than 300 surgeries of this type per year. In the field of medical retina, he is dedicated to age-related macular degeneration (AMD), retinal vascular occlusions and other diseases treated with antiangiogenic drugs.
Member of the Spanish Ophthalmology Society (SEO), the Spanish Society of Retina and Vitreous (SERV), where he was Board Member for the Basque Country, the Spanish Society of Refractive and Ocular Implant Surgery (SECOIR) and the Northern Ophthalmology Association (AON), where he was Vice Chairman and Board Member for Gipuzkoa.
Has received 7 awards.

Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery, University of Valladolid, 1985-1991.
Research Proficiency, University of Valladolid, 1992.
Medical Internship, Yagüe General
Hospital, Burgos, 1992-1995.
Good Research Practice course, Donostia, 2013, 2019.
Specialist Physician, Figueras Hospital, Girona, 1996.
Specialist Physician, Arrasate Hospital, Gipuzkoa, 1997.
Specialist Physician, Gipuzkoa Hospital, 1997-2002.
Head of the Retina Unit, Donostia University Hospital, 2002-2020.
Head of the Retina Unit, Miranza Begitek, Donostia, 2000-present.
Teaching activity
Tutor of interns at the Gipuzkoa Hospital and the Donostia University Hospital, 1998-2020
Organiser of the 6th National Congress of the Spanish Society of Retina and Vitreous, Donostia, 2002.
Member of the Organising committee for the AON (Northern Ophthalmology Association) Congress. Donostia-San Sebastian. 2009 and 2014.
Scientific and research activity
5 research projects over the past 6 years funded by public and private agencies.
13 publications in journals. 1995 – 2017.
9 publications in books as contributor, contributing author, main author and coordinator.
More than 100 oral presentations at congresses and courses, since 1995.