We join Adopta un Abuelo (Adopt a Grandparent) to improve the visual health of the elderly in the COVID environment
Miranza has once again partnered with Adopta Un Abuelo (AUA), an organisation of elderly people with almost 3,000 members, to facilitate access to eye care and, therefore, improve the visual health of the elderly, one of the most vulnerable groups in the context of the pandemic.
New collaboration between Miranza and Adopta Un Abuelo
After their first collaboration during the first lockdown, in March 2020, where both organisations joined to offer telephone support to the elderly living alone, Miranza and AUA have renewed their alliance, this time to ensure good eye health of the elderly assisted by Adopta Un Abuelo.
“Isolation, which has intensified over the past year, has caused visual impairment to have a greater impact on the daily lives and autonomy of these patients, who have also found it difficult to attend their regular eye check-ups and have experienced longer waiting times for cataract treatment or other eye treatments”, explains Ramón Berra, Miranza’s general manager.
Aim: to reduce delays in diagnosis and treatment
Furthermore, the greater risk of age-related vision loss (five times higher from the age of 75 onwards, compared to young adults) must be added. Chronic and common eye diseases in adulthood, such as glaucoma or AMD, are precisely those that have been most affected in the COVID environment, according to the study “Eye health in a pandemic” carried out by Miranza, which confirms that more serious or advanced cases are being consulted than a year ago.
“This results in highly disabling and sometimes irreversible damage, whereas early diagnosis and treatment allows us to apply effective solutions in a timely manner which have a huge impact on the quality of life of the elderly”, emphasise the Miranza specialists.

Commitment to the visual health of the elderly and other vulnerable groups
Thanks to this initiative, our ophthalmology group, with its 16 clinics and 12 consultation centres throughout Spain, offers special conditions for Adopta Un Abuelo users, both for visits and for diagnostic tests and treatments.
According to Alberto Cabanes, CEO and founder of Adopta Un Abuelo: “We are very happy to work with the Miranza team again. They have shown their commitment and involvement with the elderly at all times. We hope that, thanks to this initiative, we can continue to improve the quality of life of the elderly on our programme.” This package of measures to improve the eye health of the elderly is added to that of SOS Visión, which we have recently launched at Miranza to help other vulnerable groups, such as the jobless self-employed, pensioners with limited income and professionals in the tourism sector on the islands.