Miranza Ókular’s Medical Director co-authored an international reference book on intraocular lens calculation
Dr Jaime Aramberri, Medical Director at our Miranza Ókular clinic in Vitoria and a refractive surgery expert at Miranza Begitek in San Sebastian, is one of the five world experts to have participated as editors of the book Intraocular Lens Calculations, a milestone of special scientific relevance, as the signatures of the main international authorities in the field of lens surgery have been brought together in a single text for the first time.
The aim of this book is to provide surgeons, technicians and students with an up-to-date scientific tool that showcases the latest techniques and formulas available in order to provide patients with the best solution to their visual needs and expectations. To this end, the publication analyses all aspects affecting the field of intraocular lens calculation, i.e. from a review of topics pertaining to optics and metrology to the most advanced formulas and calculation methods, a review of the technology and equipment used in the measurement of the variables involved, etc.
Progress towards maximum accuracy
The book also delves into the application of artificial intelligence algorithms to optimise different steps within the lens calculation process, hence leading to an unprecedented improvement in accuracy and precision. As a result of this progress, more than 90% of the cases have a residual prescription of less than 0.5 dioptres, which allows them to get rid of glasses.
Thus, Dr Aramberri, a Miranza specialist and vice chairman of the IOL Power Club, a forum of world leaders in lens surgery, explains that improved accuracy in terms of optical prediction of intraocular lenses has led to more complex designs, such as multifocal and toric lenses. This has meant that, at present, “almost anyone undergoing cataract surgery can enjoy clear vision – both near and far – without having to wear glasses, because their surgeon has accurately calculated the power of the intraocular lens that has been implanted in their eye.
This 72-chapter, nearly 1000-page work involves more than 50 leading scientists, including ophthalmologists, physicists and engineers, who are coordinated by a team of four editors with extensive experience in the field of intraocular lens calculations.
Cataract and presbyopia surgeries on the rise
For Dr Aramberri, “the book will undoubtedly become a reference manual for cataract surgeons worldwide for many years to come, as the selection of the most appropriate surgical techniques is key to achieving precise results, which require increasingly accurate intraocular lens calculations.
In recent years, the demand for cataract removal and presbyopia surgeries has increased significantly, thus making “intraocular lens calculations a must for cataract and refractive surgeons”, the expert concludes.
The book is now available for purchase, with an open access version downloadable via the iolpowerclub.org website.