Rebeca Atienza
Specialist at Miranza Clínica Begoña
Ophthalmologist specialising in cornea and refractive surgery.
Medical Supervisor for the “Eyes of the Sahara” project undertaken by the Barcelona-based Eyes of the World Foundation from 2008 to 2017
Member of the European Society of Ophthalmology (SOE)

Education and training
Graduate in Medicine and Surgery from the Universidad de País Vasco, year 2000
Specialist in Ophthalmology at the Hospital Clínic, Barcelona, year 2001-2000
Master’s Degree in Anterior Segment at IMO validated by the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB) year 2006-2008
Master’s Degree in Hospital Management at the Polytechnic University of Valencia (UPV) from 2009 to 2011.
Rotation at the Augenklimik Hospital in Erlangen (Germany) in the endothelial corneal transplant technique (DMEK) with Dr. Friederich Kruse. (June 2016)
Head of the Cornea and Ocular Surface Unit at Granollers Hospital, Barcelona, 2005 to 2006
Ophthalmology specialist – Balearic Islands
– Vacancy filled via public examination 2008-2015
– Hospital Can Misses (Ibiza) 2008-2009
Specialist in cornea and refractive surgery. Clinical Surgical Institute for Ophthalmology (ICQO) Bilbao 2015-2021
Specialist in Cornea and Refractive Miranza IBO. 2021- 2022
Specialist in Cornea and Refractive Surgery. Miranza Clínica Begoña. 2021- Present
Scientific and research activity
5 publications:
– “Light adjustable lens”. Intraocular, bifocal, multifocal and accommodating lenses in lens surgery. JL Güell, D Schwartz, F Manero, J Gaytan, M Morral and R Atienza. Chapter 44. Publisher SECOIR, 2007. ISBN:978- 84-933144-5-3
– “Evolution of two corneas from the same LASIK donor”. Rebeca Atienza. Collaborators: M. Morral, F. Manero, J. Gaytan, O. Gris and JL Güell. Clinical ocular surface cases. Awards 2007. Pages 72-75. Publisher Glosa, SL, 2007. ISBN: 978-84- 7429- 293-0.
– “Diabetic macular oedema and cataract” from the book “Cirugía del Cristalino” (Lens Surgery). Official SEO presentation 2008. Authors: R. Atienza and I Nieto. Published in 2008 by the Spanish Ophthalmology Society. ISBN: 978-84- 7429-360-9.
– “Diffuse lamellar keratitis”. R. Atienza, O. Gris and JL. Güell. Ophthalmology. 2008; 115:1848.
– “Pharmacokinetics of linezolid in human non-inflamed vitreous alter systemic administration”. Horcajada JP, Atienza R and Sarasa M. Soy D. J Antimicrob Chemother 2009; 63(3): 550-552.