Arnau Mora
Specialist at Miranza IOA and Miranza Ophthalteam
RetinaOphthalmologist specialist at Miranza IOA and Miranza Ophthalteam
- Degree in Medicine and Surgery, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (2009-2015).
- Observership with the Association of Health Sciences Students, Hospital Mateu Orfila, Menorca (July 2014).
- Observership with Dr. Marco Sales Sanz in private practice, Clínica Novovisión and Centro Internacional de Oftalmología Avanzada (2016-2020).
- Ophthalmology Residency, Hospital Universitario Ramón y Cajal, Madrid (2016-2020).
- VI Training Course in Oculoplastic Surgery, Madrid (November 2016).
- XXX Monographic Course on Introduction to Ophthalmology (February 2017).
- X Update Course in Neuro-Ophthalmology, Hospital Ramón y Cajal, Madrid (February 2017).
- VII Training Course in Oculoplastic Surgery, Madrid (November 2018).
- Refractive and Cataract Mentoring Course, Clínica Rementería, Madrid (2018-2019).
- XI Update Course in Neuro-Ophthalmology, Hospital Ramón y Cajal, Madrid (February 2019).
- SECOIR Training Course in Biometry, Madrid (October 2019).
- Observership in Uveitis and Neuro-Ophthalmology consultations with Dr. Adán and Dr. Sánchez-Dalmau, Hospital Clínic de Barcelona (September 2019).
- Resident Medical Intern in Ophthalmology, Hospital Universitario Ramón y Cajal, Madrid (2016-2020).
- Retina Section Ophthalmologist, Hospital Universitario Fundación Jiménez Díaz, Madrid (2020-2021).
- Specialist in Ophthalmology for Telemedicine Consultations (Atrys), Dénia (2023-2024).
- Retina Section Ophthalmologist, Hospital Universitario Rey Juan Carlos, Móstoles (2021-present).
Scientific and Research Activity
- Presentations at national and international conferences: 10
- Scientific publications and book chapters: 6