Alberto Artola
Specialist at Miranza Palomares Clinic
Ophthalmologist specialising in Refractive Surgery, Cornea and Ocular Surface.
Statutory professor of Ophthalmology at the Miguel Hernández University and Accredited Tenured Professor of Ophthalmology by the Ministry of Education and Science.

Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery from the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Valencia.
Bachelor’s Degree in Medicine and Surgery from the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Alicante.
PhD in Medicine and Surgery from the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Alicante.
Certificate from the Ministry of Health and Consumer Affairs: Acknowledgement to act as a Physician in the European Committee.
Postgraduate diploma: University Specialist in Preventive, Labour-related and Social Ophthalmology.
Postgraduate diploma: University Specialist in Refractive and Ocular Implant Surgery.
Specialist physical in Ophthalmology.
Internships at the School of Medicine. University of Puerto Rico.
Internships at the Department of Ophthalmology. Eye Foundation of Kansas City. University of Missouri. USA.
Cornea, Refractive Surgery, Ocular Surface and Keratoconus Unit, Miranza Palomares Clinic.
Teaching Activity
LRU assistant. University of Alicante.
Interim Statutory Professor. University of Alicante.
Statutory University Professor. University of Alicante.
Statutory University Professor. Miguel Hernández University.
Statutory University Professor. Miguel Hernández University.
Accredited as a University Professor by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology.
52 Courses and Seminars given.
150 abstracts at national congresses and 60 at international conferences.
Scientific and Research Activity
Collaborating in many different research projects, both publicly and privately funded: Refractive surgery with laser, LASIK & PRK techniques, dry eye treatment, ocular ageing and keratoconus.
Publication of more than 150 works Nationally and Internationally* 21 Chapters of books.
* 48 Articles in Spanish journals.
* 70 Articles in international journals.
* 20 Abstracts in international journals.
Participation in 150 National and 60 International congresses.