Professional recognition for our ophthalmologists
The two most important awards at the 98 Spanish Ophthalmology Society (SEO) Congress held this weekend in Pamplona went to two professionals from Miranza: Dr Javier Mendicute (Miranza Begitek), who received the Castroviejo award for the best career, and Dr Jorge Alió del Barrio (Vissum Grupo Miranza), who was presented with the Arruga award for the best professional under the age of 40.
We are lucky enough at Miranza to have such renowned ophthalmologists as the award winners, along with many others who make the difference and enable us to offer the best service to our patients. This is based on both the experience of the more senior professionals and the desire to improve and the innovation of the new generations also present in Miranza and who ensure the continued excellence in ophthalmology that characterises us.
Continuous training of Miranza ophthalmologists
With this resolve, Miranza promotes the ongoing training of our ophthalmologists team who are this year offered a new proposal, the Expert Programme, in which our more experienced physicians act as mentors for the younger ones seeking to enhance their knowledge and experience within the heart of our Group.

Further afield however, our physicians stand out for their desire to enhance and share their knowledge with other ophthalmology colleagues, not only nationally but also internationally, as can be seen by the significant number of Miranza specialists who have played an active role in the latest professional congresses held in September, as well as the 98 SEO Congress.
Our presence was therefore significant at the Refractive surgery congress organised by the ESCRS in Milan, the 4th Strabology Meeting in Andalusia, organised by the Ophthalmology Society of Andalusia in Granada, and the World Ophthalmology Congress of the International Council of Ophthalmology, an event that was held online. In them all, several physicians from Miranza explained cases and news, providing knowledge for their colleagues from other centres and countries with the ultimate, shared goal of advancing more quickly in improving the eyesight and lives of patients.