Virginia Lozano
Specialist at Miranza Clínica Muiños
RetinaOphthalmologist specialising in medical and surgical retina, as well as in uveitis management.
Member of the Ophthalmology Society of the Canary Islands, the Spanish Society of Ocular Inflammation and the European Vitreoretinal Society.

College No.385698
Bachelor of Medicine and official PhD in health science from the University of La Laguna, Tenerife.
Retina Department. St. Michael’s Hospital. Toronto. Canada.
Adnexal Service. Moorfields Eye Hospital. London. United Kingdom.
Uveitis Unit. Aberdeen Royal Infirmary. Aberdeen. United Kingdom.
Ophthalmology Department Area at the Canary Islands University Hospital.
Retina Department, Miranza Clinic Muiños. Tenerife. 2015-Present.
Scientific and Research Activity
Scientific publications: 6 national and 8 international.