Verónica Ramos
Specialist at Miranza Ókular
RetinaOphthalmologist specialising in medical retina, general ophthalmology and intravitreal treatments.

Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery. University of Zaragoza, 2003-2009.
Training for the medical internship examination at CTO Zaragoza, 2009-2010.
Medical internship training in Ophthalmology at Galdacano-Usansolo Hospital, 2010-2014: With 2 external rotations: One at the Castiella Ophthalmology Institute (Bilbao): Strabismus and Paediatric Ophthalmology (November and December 2013) and the other in Alto Deba Hospital (Mondragón): Medical and surgical retina (January-May 2014).
General ophthalmology, medical retina, intravitreal treatments and cataract surgery at Alto Deba Hospital (Mondragón), May 2014 – present.
Ókular Clinic (Vitoria), medical retina, general ophthalmology and intravitreal treatments, November 2014 – present.
Scientific and Research Activity
19 Abstracts at Congresses.
2 publications in journals.
Publication: Retina-based topics 3. Chapter 3: Retinal vein occlusions. Diagnosis, treatment and review of current scientific evidence. 2013.
3 Research projects.