Maribel Fernández Rodríguez
Specialist at Miranza Instituto Gómez-Ulla
RetinaSpecialist in medical retina and ocular diabetes at Miranza Instituto Oftalmológico Gómez-Ulla.

College No.151506661
- Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery. Faculty of Medicine, University of Santiago de Compostela. 1986.
- Specialist in Family and Community Medicine via MIR (Resident Medical Intern) system at the Santiago University Hospital Complex, Santiago de Compostela. 1988 – 1990.
- Specialist in Ophthalmology via MIR (Resident Medical Intern) system at the Pontevedra University Hospital Complex. 1991 – 1995.
- Attending Physician. SERGAS (Galician Healthcare Service). Emergency Department at the University Hospital Complex of Santiago de Compostela. January 1991 – January 1992.
- Professional practice as an ophthalmologist. Medical director. CLINIGAL S.A. A Coruña. 1996 – 1997.
- Area Specialist Physician (FEA) Ophthalmology. Juan Canalejo H. A Coruña. January 1996 – May 1996.
- Contract ophthalmologist. CICYT Project (FUNDUSNET). 1999 – 2000.
- Ophthalmologist at Miranza Instituto Oftalmológico Gómez-Ulla (IOG), Santiago de Compostela, January 2002 – present.
- Contract ophthalmologist for Photodynamic Therapy (PDT) programme. Galician Ophthalmology Institute Foundation (INGO) Conxo Provincial Hospital of Santiago de Compostela. May 2002 – December 2005.
- Area Specialist Physician (FEA) in Ophthalmology of the Public Foundation of the Galician Ophthalmology Institute of (INGO) of Santiago de Compostela. December 2005 – September 2010.
- Area Specialist Physician (FEA) in Ophthalmology at the University Hospital Complex of Santiago de Compostela. September 2010 – present
Teaching activity
- Grant for doctorate studies. Directorate General of University Planning and Science Policy. Department of Education and University Planning. Xunta de Galicia (Regional Government of Galicia). Two-year period: 1986 – 1988.
- Teaching lecturer in Ophthalmology. University of Santiago de Compostela.
- Teaching lecturer in the Interuniversity Doctorate Programme in Vision Sciences. Department of Surgery. Ophthalmology subject area. University of Santiago de Compostela. 2005 – present.
- Associate Professor of Health Sciences in the Ophthalmology subject area. University of Santiago de Compostela. December 2016 – present.
Scientific and research activity
- Principal investigator and collaborating investigator: more than 50
- Articles published in international and national magazines: 39
- Published books and chapters in books: 24
- Communications and papers at congresses: More than 100