Idoia Mendiola Fernández
Specialist at Miranza COI
Ophthalmologist specialising in Oculofacial Aesthetics, Oculoplastics, Cataracts and General Ophthalmology at Miranza COI.

College No.484812376
- Degree in Medicine and Surgery from the University of the Basque Country. 2011 – 2017.
- Resident Medical Intern (MIR) specialising in Ophthalmology at Galdakao-Usansolo Hospital 2018-2022.
- Observership in paediatric ophthalmology at La Paz Hospital. Madrid. November 2021.
- Observership in oculoplasty and orbit at Ramón y Cajal Hospital. Madrid. December 2021.
- Observership in cornea and ocular surface at Abente y Lago Hospital. A Coruña. February 2022.
- Observership in oculoplasty and orbit at La Fe Hospital. Valencia. March 2022. (Occasional further training at Oftalvist Clinic.
- Pursuing a Master’s Degree in Aesthetic Medicine (AMIR). At present.
- A specialist in Oculofacial Aesthetics, Oculoplastics, Cataracts and General Ophthalmology at Miranza COI. 2023.
Scientific and research activity:
- Papers in national and international conferences: 15
- Publications in books and/or medical journals: 3