Elisabet Frau Rotger
Specialist at Miranza Passeig Mallorca
Specialist in Cataract/Neuro-ophthalmology/Dry Eye/Oculoplastics
Member of the Spanish Ophthalmology Society (since 1994), the Academy of Medical Sciences of Catalonia and the Balearic Islands (since 1996), the Catalan Ophthalmology Society (since 1996), the American Academy of Ophthalmology (since 2002).

College No.07/05121-7
- Graduate in Medicine and Surgery, with the grade of EXCELLENT (Central University of Barcelona, 1994)
- Title of Specialist Physician in Ophthalmology, obtained via MIR Residency Programme (Hospital Son Dureta, 1998)
- HOSPITAL BELLVITGE SERVICE COMMITTEE: Glaucoma Department from 1/02 to 30/04 1998.
- Course on “THE NEURO-OPHTHALMOLOGY YOU NEED AS AN OPHTHALMOLOGIST AND GENERAL NEUROLOGIST” held from 24 May to 31 July 2021 and organised by the University Institute of Applied Ophthalmobiology at the University of Valladolid.
- Senior Specialist Physician in Ophthalmology at Hospital de Son Dureta, tenured position held from January 1999- September 2002. Specialising in oculoplastics, orbit and neuro-ophthalmology.
- Attending Physician Specialising in Ophthalmology at Hospital Son Llàtzer. Position held from 1 October 2002 to date. Specialising in neuro-ophthalmology and general ophthalmology.
- Attending Physician in the Balearic Ophthalmology Unit (UOB) since 1998. A position she continues to hold to date.
Teaching Activity
- Ongoing Medical Training Courses: 38
- National and international congresses: 30
Scientific and Research Activity
- Papers at National Congresses: 39
- Publications in national and international journals: 4
- Research Project: “Análisis genético a nivel de STRs y secuenciación de la región I del mtDNA. Aplicación a la evolución de las poblaciones chueta y balear y a la genética de la Otoesclerosis y la miopía” (No. PM97-0041). Department of Fundamental Biology and Health Sciences at the U.I.B. 1997/2000