We see with the heart

We understand that those who suffer vision problems face limitations in their day-to-day activities, and we want to do our part to help in the field we know best: ophthalmology.

To this end, our network of centres throughout Spain is at the disposal of the most vulnerable groups of people. We can help to improve their living conditions by caring for their eye health.

We are proud to be able to help all these people by improving their eye health and their quality of life, so that they may have more opportunities and nobody is left behind.

Our foundation is built on over 10 years of activities of the IMO Foundation, which has focussed its efforts on Catalonia. We intend to broaden this scope to the rest of Spain.

Through the Miranza Foundation, we promote social action programmes wherever Miranza is present in order to help more people.

Furthermore, we work in tandem with other nonprofit organisations, public administrations and companies to broaden the radius and impact of our programmes.

We put our time and experience in ophthalmology at the service of the most vulnerable groups of people. With the dedication of ophthalmologists, optometrists and other renowned health professionals, we examine eyes to detect vision problems and perform diagnoses to provide proper treatment. In addition to the examinations, we provide training and raise awareness among these groups of people to promote prevention and early detection of eye diseases.

When necessary, once we have diagnosed an eye health problem, we offer surgical and non-surgical treatments to those with the least means and greatest difficulties, in collaboration with other public, private and third-sector organisations in order to provide the best solutions.

We also support research in new therapies to treat incurable eye diseases. This research is conducted at the only laboratory in Spain dedicated to molecular biology associated with ophthalmology, i.e. IMO Grupo Miranza.

Blindness is preventable 80% of the time.

Undiagnosed vision problems are suffered by 25% of children in vulnerable situations.

Unemployment affects 75% of the blind in Europe.

President: Doctor Borja Corcóstegui (IMO Grupo Miranza, Barcelona).

Vice-president: Ramón Berra (CEO Grupo Miranza).

Board members: Doctor María Gessa (Miranza Virgen de Luján, Seville), Doctor Maite Iradier (IMO Grupo Miranza Madrid), Doctor José Alberto Muiños (Miranza Clínica Muiños, Santa Cruz de Tenerife), Doctor Aritz Urcola (Miranza Begitek, San Sebastian). Doctor Ana Wert (IMO Grupo Miranza Barcelona), Francisca Rodríguez, Mario Lara (Esade), Andrés Ramos (ONCE) and José Ignacio Domecq (Grupo Fractalia).

Ana Sequí, Director of the Miranza Foundation

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